Hey everyone. Sorry I have been so quiet lately. I have been working on some new patterns and have also listed new items in my Etsy shop. I am so excited to share my new products with all of you! I have a really awesome 100% Organic Cotton Wash Cloths and Bath Puff set that would be great for Mother's Day or any other occasion. Plus, it is good for the body and the Earth! I have another Eco-friendly item in my shop, a Coffee Cup Cozy. Not only are these practical to keep on hand like in your purse, at home, in the car, or at the office it has a great price and makes a great present as well. There are tons of color options so you can customize your coffee cup cozy to your liking! These are much better and safer than the thin cardboard sleeves you get at the coffee shop.
I also have some exciting news. This morning I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I have been Featured on Cool2Craft's website! It is Crochet Week on their blog. They have chosen 10 crocheters to be featured on their blog and I am so thankful and excited to be one of them. Please make sure you check out the other artists on the site and also become a fan of Cool2Craft on Facebook.
I have one more announcement. I have a new banner up in my Etsy shop. I would love to know what you all think of it. Please go check it out and then comment back here or on my Facebook Fan Page. Thanks!
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