For my first event I have entered into the WIPs-Dancing. This means Work-in-Progress and only WIPs are aloud to be entered into this event. All other events can be entered into multiple events but for the WIPs-Dancing it can only be in its own event. This blanket as well as my other projects will be for the orphanage in Haiti. After the blanket is finished I cross the finish line and the Officials from the International Ravelympic Committee review my post with photos of the finished project. Once this is done then they call me up to the Podium and I receive my Olympic Medal!
You may think that this is funny and are shaking your head but I think it is loads of fun! Last night it was so exciting to know that thousands of other hookers (that's a crochet term not a street girl) like me were starting our projects at the same time. No matter where we were in the world we all started at 6pm PST.
I forgot to mention our team name...it's the Flaming Hooks. The pictures are not very good but you can see our team flag in blue with the flame and the other picture is like our group cheer! lol The only rule to the Ravelympics is to challenge yourself. So my challenge is to get as many blankets for Haiti entered into the Charity Curling event and to cross that finish line! I know I have until May because that's when my in-laws are going to Haiti, but this is something fun and exciting and like I said a challenge. So cheer me on and after the 17 days we'll see how many blankets I'll be able to complete!
That is very cool! I hope you can get a lot finished. =)
Thanks me too! It's been a lot of fun talking on the group forum and seeing everyones projects! I'll post all the blankets in Flikr so everyone can see them when I'm done.
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