Today's topic is very near and dear to my heart. We all know of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti about 3 weeks ago. Some of you might have remembered me tweeting that day that I have 2 little sisters adopted from Haiti. I asked you to pray for them as this rocked their world along with the other millions of people of Haiti that day. Even though they do not live there anymore their hearts will always be with Haiti. It is where they came from therefore it is a piece of them. You can imagine how helpless my in-laws must have felt staring into the eyes of those precious girls. They too are passionate about Haiti. Haiti gave them two beautiful gifts...their daughters.
Well passion and the love for others is where the topic of today's post comes into play. I knew the second the quake hit my husband's mom would want to fly over to help the people of Haiti. Well she couldn't get over there that second but she is going and she's started a small movement! lol She has been in contact with an orphanage on the coast of Haiti called Jesus Loves Me and in May she, my father in-law, and a group of people will be going. You can find more information on their Facebook page Gonaives Haiti Missions Trip.
When I knew they were going to Haiti I asked my mother in-law if the orphanage could use blankets. I would love to make these children warm and cozy blankies. They have just gone through something terrifying and besides that I want to bring some form of comfort to these children. When she asked the orphanage director the answer was yes. She said the only thing they have right now are burlap. Can you imagine? Burlap is so coarse and harsh to the skin. So I'm going to take these hands and together with hook and yarn make these children as many blankets as I can until my mom leaves for Haiti.
At the bottom of this posting is a Donate button. It will take you directly to my Paypal. I am asking for anything you can spare. Even if its a couple dollars of your yarn money or your Starbucks money for the week. This money is going to go towards buying really soft and warm yarn for these children. Just think when you donate you'll actually know what your money is doing and what it is going towards. ;) This is something I'd like to do year round. So when my mother in-law gets back from Haiti I'll know how to organize this better and if there are any crocheters or knitters out there that would like to participate I would love chat about it later!
I hope you guys will be as excited as I am in getting involved! If any of you crocheters or knitters would like to make a blanket please convo me right away at stringsofme@yahoo.com so we can discuss details. To make it on this trip blankets need to be received by April 15th.
The photos above are of us at Disneyland a couple years ago with my husband's family! Our little sister's are Emma and Chloe. We love you girls and are so thankful for you!

Hi Nice-e,
Just wanted to let you know that you have won the prize for this week's drawing! Check out our website for details: www.acupofgreenginger.com
Nic-e. I apologize for spelling your name wrong! :)
Wonderful!! It's amazing to see so many people have gather together to help support the people of Haiti. :)
I have a long list of Etsy shops donating to help Haiti:
How do you feel about quilts? I can't knit much anymore due to muscle pain issues, but I'm still making quilts...
Thank you Voleurdebijoux! It is awesome to see all the Etsy shops getting involved!!!
Roballen, we would love a quilt! The child who gets the quilt you make will be so blessed by it. Thank you so much for your awesome heart! I am so happy to hear you volunteer your wonderful gift of quilt making. If you think you can have it made and rec'd to me by April 15th email me at stringsofme@yahoo.com and I will send you the address to mail the quilt to. Thank you again!
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