We have moved!
Hi everyone, our blog has moved to stringsofme.com and all new posts will be on the new site. Please be sure to sign up for our new email subscription and add us with Google Friend Connect. In addition to the new layout, we are working to add crochet patterns and tutorials in the new feature. Let us know what you think, and thanks again!
It's Time For A Sale!
That's right you read the title correctly...It's Time For A Sale! I'm having a 4 day sale at my Strings of Me Etsy shop. Starting today Friday the 28th until 9pm PST on Monday the 31st when you use code "Memorial" in notes to seller you get 10% off ANYTHING in my Shop! Your refund will be credited back via Paypal. Please spread the word about my sale. Tell your friends and family members so they can have the opportunity to take advantage of this sale! Remember it's only for the next 4 days and don't forget about the code! Happy shopping and Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Organic and Reusable

I have new items up in my shop! I'm very happy to introduce you to these new products as they are either Organic, reusable or both! My first item is a set of 6 face scrubbies. They are made of 100% Organic Cotton yarn and are completely reusable. These little face pads are good for your skin and body and for the Earth. They will replace the disposable kind that you have to buy over and over again. These were hand crocheted by me and you will love how soft they feel but have just enough texture to exfoliate your skin. Use these face scrubbies to remove make-up, put on your facial cleansers and toners, wash the baby, etc. They come cutely wrapped with a ribbon and bow so they are perfect for gift giving. Trust me you will want to pamper yourself with these little beauties. I have 3 different color sets in my shop right now but if you would like them in another color please let me know. I'm happy to do custom orders!
The second item I have recently listed is a Coffee Cup Cozy. These are great to have on hand. This item is reusable and totally ecofriendly unlike the cardboard sleeves we use once and throw away. Plus, it's a cute and stylish way to personalize your coffee cup. I have 4 different colors up in my shop right now and will be listing more soon. These are inexpensive and would make a great gift for any coffee lover, Father's Day, and for those who are graduating.
Like I said I love custom orders! If you see something in my shop but want a different color just contact me. I am also working on some purses, market totes, and other items for my shop. So be on the lookout!
Hope you are all enjoying your Spring!!!
New Products

Hey everyone. Sorry I have been so quiet lately. I have been working on some new patterns and have also listed new items in my Etsy shop. I am so excited to share my new products with all of you! I have a really awesome 100% Organic Cotton Wash Cloths and Bath Puff set that would be great for Mother's Day or any other occasion. Plus, it is good for the body and the Earth! I have another Eco-friendly item in my shop, a Coffee Cup Cozy. Not only are these practical to keep on hand like in your purse, at home, in the car, or at the office it has a great price and makes a great present as well. There are tons of color options so you can customize your coffee cup cozy to your liking! These are much better and safer than the thin cardboard sleeves you get at the coffee shop.
I also have some exciting news. This morning I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I have been Featured on Cool2Craft's website! It is Crochet Week on their blog. They have chosen 10 crocheters to be featured on their blog and I am so thankful and excited to be one of them. Please make sure you check out the other artists on the site and also become a fan of Cool2Craft on Facebook.
I have one more announcement. I have a new banner up in my Etsy shop. I would love to know what you all think of it. Please go check it out and then comment back here or on my Facebook Fan Page. Thanks!
National Crochet Month
March is National Crochet Month. I have been busy crocheting blankets for Haiti. I started this project a little over a month ago. It has challenged me to be creative. The blankets all need to be finished and ready by mid May. Since there is a time constraint I have been making simple stitch blankets. I feel the blankets work up quickly when using rows of either double crochet or half double crochet. To add a little something to them I've crocheted decorative borders around most. I'm using only the softest yarns as I want these blankets to be special for the children that are going to be receiving them.
On top of the blankets I'm also working on a scarf for my doctor. I had wanted to make it for him at Christmas time but wasn't exactly sure what colors he likes. So on my last appointment I brought in a bright lemongrass green color. I remembered he had mentioned he liked lime green and when I saw this color at the yarn store I felt it was the perfect choice. He was very pleased with this color. The scarf is worked up in large stripes of black and the lemongrass green. He had asked for 2" stripes but I felt the larger stripes looked esthetically better. I am really happy with the way it is coming along. The colors are very modern and clean looking. I am so fond of this look that I am thinking of making some throw pillows later.
I also started on a new slouchy hat pattern. This time I made sure to have a notebook next to me as I worked up this hat. I always seem to just let my mind wander and create a pattern and then I am left with trying to figure it out. This notebook was very helpful. I would crochet a round on the hat and then write my notes down into the notebook. I need to make sure I have the notebook by me every time. Once finished writing down the pattern I can then transfer it to the computer.
As you can see I've kept myself very busy during National Crochet Month. I've taken on three different projects including a new pattern! On top of this, my husband has asked me to teach him how to crochet. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now but he always kind of laughed at me. He says I am too busy now to make him hats and he would like to learn how to make his own. So I am pretty excited about this! Hopefully he is a good student. lol
National Crochet Month is a great way to teach others your gift and passion of the yarn art! Have you picked up your hook lately? The month isn't over yet so let National Crochet Month inspire you to create a new pattern, crochet for charity, finish a project that's been sitting around for awhile, learn a new stitch, or teach someone how to crochet!
I also have an announcement. Strings of Me has an official Facebook fan page now. I created this page 2 nights ago and I am in shock with how many fans I already have. So if you haven't already please go fan us here. Thanks and Happy Hooking!!!
Ravelympics 2010

For my first event I have entered into the WIPs-Dancing. This means Work-in-Progress and only WIPs are aloud to be entered into this event. All other events can be entered into multiple events but for the WIPs-Dancing it can only be in its own event. This blanket as well as my other projects will be for the orphanage in Haiti. After the blanket is finished I cross the finish line and the Officials from the International Ravelympic Committee review my post with photos of the finished project. Once this is done then they call me up to the Podium and I receive my Olympic Medal!
You may think that this is funny and are shaking your head but I think it is loads of fun! Last night it was so exciting to know that thousands of other hookers (that's a crochet term not a street girl) like me were starting our projects at the same time. No matter where we were in the world we all started at 6pm PST.
I forgot to mention our team name...it's the Flaming Hooks. The pictures are not very good but you can see our team flag in blue with the flame and the other picture is like our group cheer! lol The only rule to the Ravelympics is to challenge yourself. So my challenge is to get as many blankets for Haiti entered into the Charity Curling event and to cross that finish line! I know I have until May because that's when my in-laws are going to Haiti, but this is something fun and exciting and like I said a challenge. So cheer me on and after the 17 days we'll see how many blankets I'll be able to complete!
Toddler Blanket
I wanted to give you an update on the Blankets for Haiti that I'm making. I finished my first blanket a couple of days ago. It's a toddler sized blanket. In the photo it's folded in half and so really it is double in size. I chose a Bernat Softee Baby yarn in a Soft Lilac color and I gave it a cute border in the same brand yarn but in a contrasting Antique White color. This blanket is super soft.
I felt so blessed to make this blanket. Every time I thought about how soft the yarn was I was just so excited for the child who is going to get it. To think of the things we take for granted like a blanket. We have so many choices too. I know I probably have at least 5 throws in my house and I have a couple blankets that I'm crocheting in progress. Then to think of how many times I've changed my comforter in my bedroom, because it's just that easy to go down to Target and pick out a new one. Most of these children that are going to receive these blankets it will be the first blanket they have ever had in their lives.
I want to thank the people that have donated money so far. The children will be so blessed by you, and our family really appreciates it. Last night my mother in-law notified us that they got their official dates for Haiti. They will be leaving May 2nd. Its two months later than they had anticipated but that is because of many things like the armed security they have to hire, chartered planes, and other odds and ends. So far there are 18 people in the group going with her and my father in-law. A church has offered to pay for a shipping container which costs $800 as long as they can get enough donations to fill it. They are collecting shoes and clothing for children and adults, medicals supplies like children's cough syrup, tylenol, diapers, formula, bottles, etc. They will be taking all of these things to the orphanage. Now the orphanage I previously listed in my other posting is not the one they'll be going to. There were some security difficulties so they will be going to an orphanage in Jacmel, Haiti. It is outside of Port-au-Prince.
I am still in need of donations. I am happy to have 2 extra months to make blankets. Also, I said it before in my previous posting if you would like to get involved an make a blanket or two or more please email me at stringsofme@yahoo.com The blankets would need to be recieved by the 1st of April to ensure they make it onto this trip. I will post photos of my in-laws trip when they get back of the blankets with the kids so that you all can see the great thing you did in giving them warmth and comfort!