Popcorn Scarf
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Tonight we got to decorate our Christmas tree! Some may be asking why we got our tree only 4 days before Christmas. Well to be honest we were unable to afford a tree this year. When my mom heard of this she decided to play Mrs. Claus. lol We are so thankful she did because our house has that great smell of Christmas now. We had such a great time as a family decorating the tree. We put on some great Christmas music like Doris Day, Bing Crosby, and Harry Connick Jr. Now we are all sitting by the tree, drinking hot cocoa, and about to watch some Christmas movies. The picture below the Christmas tree is the first ornament we got as a married couple in 2000. The picture below is our Irish ornament. We got this ornament in a little Irish shop when we took our trip to New Jersey. It was an adorable shop and we have special memories of that day. Well I'm sure we will be keeping our tree well past Christmas this year. lol But that's okay. We will enjoy it as long as the tree will last. Thank you again Mom!
One down, One and a Half to go
On the movie list today is Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. We own the first Home Alone but not the second. I was bummed when I looked on Netflix because it said 'long wait'. So to my surprise ABC Family aired it this morning and I recorded it. Needless to say I am oh-so-happy!
Purse #2
Well I couldn't help myself I started working on another purse today before finishing the red one...lol. Knowing that the red purse only needs the handle to be constructed and the cherry fabric lining to be sewn in I couldn't resist. That won't take me very long and I wanted to get started on the next one. I know Sunday is creeping up fast so I wanted to get a move on. So purse number 2 is the purple purse. In fact this purple purse is almost done. I took a break to post this and when I'm done I'll be completing the handle on it. So all this purse needs is the fabric lining to be sewn on and it is...complete! That leaves me with only one more purse to go. Today I have been unable to move other than to get up to go to the bathroom so there is no pictures, but I will for sure post a bunch tomorrow. Tomorrow's pictures should have a fully complete purple purse and *crossing fingers* fully complete red purse.
No Christmas movie today. Today began the first day of my husband's two week vacation. We are so thrilled. Anyways, we needed to knock-out what came in the mail from Netflix this week. So far we've watch G-force and in a minute we'll be watching either Taking Woodstock or Land of the Lost.
Well I need to get back to work and I promise tomorrow there will be photos!
Purse Update
I took pictures today...yay! So you can see what the purse looks like so far. The oh-so-cute cherry fabric that my sister picked out is what the purse will be lined with on the inside.
I am off to a very late start today but that's ok. Lastnight my adorable lil sis informed me that she would like her 3 purses completed by Sunday. This is when she invited her 3 friends over and wants to give them their Christmas present at that time. I immediately felt a panic. Of course I told her I would do the best I can and I honestly meant that.
Well lastnight because I had a very bad IC flare I wasn't able to fall asleep until 5am. Hence my late start today. I'm trying not to feel the pressure. Lastnight I did complete the body of the red purse. Today all I need to do is sew the inside of the fabric in and make the handle. I'm thinking of doing something a little different like a braided handle for this purse. I don't know how this will turn out. Conceptually in my head it looks neat but I'll have to play around with it to find out.
And my Christmas movie of choice today will be White Christmas.
A slow but productive day
Today it took me quite a while to get out of bed. This was due to the pain from my bladder. I laid there so helpless and bored. About an hour went by when I was finally able to get up and push through the pain. My pups all knew I was awake and bounced around the room like they were in a bounce house. They were hungry of course and wanted me to get up to feed them.
So today will be a slow day. I will pick up my yarn and hook but it will take me just a little bit longer. I'm still working on the red purse from yesterday. The solid granny square is working out cute I think. I already know how I want to do one of the other purses. Of course my mind is always on to the next project before the one in my hands is complete. I'm just ambitious and I get excited.
In the spirit of the holidays today I'm going to watch Miracle on 34th St. circa 1947. I also added a few Christmas movies that we don't have to the Netflix queue.
Hopefully I will be able to post pictures tomorrow.
Until then...
Purses anyone?
Well purses is what I'm making. My sister asked me to make 3 purses for 3 of her friends. Of course I couldn't say no to this. I sent her to Jo-Ann's to pick out yarn colors and 1/4 yard of fabric for each purse. She did such a good job. So today I will be working on a red purse with a cherry fabric inside...too cute! Several months ago I had made a tote out of a giant granny square pattern. My sister liked this and asked if I would make one of the purses out of this. I started to do this lastnight but quickly realized that you would be able to see the fabric from the inside. Ok so now what? After about 30 minutes of thinking and browsing the web to find a different purse pattern I thought of a better idea. I thought why not do a solid granny square? That way my sister still gets what she wants and no one can see the fabric inside. So that is what I am off to do today. Sorry I haven't posted any pictures. I have been so busy. I did finish the slouchy hat the other day, and I will post pictures in a few days. It came out so cute I can't wait to make myself one! I find myself saying that A LOT! lol
Until next time...
Fingers at work
Today I need to finish the slouchy hat I was working on the other night. I only have the last 3 rounds to go and I'll be finished. I am really liking the texture of this hat. I will post pictures of my finished product but here's the link to the pattern I used http://www.berroco.com/exclusives/phannie/phannie.html I chose to make the hat in a black.
After I am finished with this hat I will be onto my next project. The closer Christmas is coming the more pressure is on for me to finish my presents. I'm sure that's how everyone feels. Not only do I feel the pressure to complete my presents but I need to finish the items I want to put in my Etsy Shop.
Ok well its back to work for these fingers.
The start of something good...
This is my first posting. I've been talking for awhile about starting a blog and finally the day has come. This blog will mostly be dedicated to my love of crocheting. I would love to connect with other yarnies and talk patterns and such. I would like to use this blog as a way to network, promote, and sell my one of a kind hand crafted crocheted items.